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Help Your Photos "Sell" Your Listing

Photos of your home and office play an important role in whether someone will be interested in exchanging home/office with you. They're an enhancement of your storytelling and descriptions, so if you're writing about a breathtaking view from your balcony, show it. 

Here are some tips to help you showcase your listing in its best light.

Before you start snapping away, give your house a good cleaning. 

Remove personal items, knick-knacks and any clutter from counters, tables, chairs. 

Leaving a few things out is fine, but your home will show better if it's clear. 

We know you love Fluffy and Max, but put away their water and food bowls (not to mention the litter box). However, DO have your furry family members in the photos to show that your listing is pet-friendly. 

Open all your curtains and blinds, and take pictures during the day. Natural lighting makes your space visible, welcoming and inviting. 

Take multiple pictures of every point of view, including wide-angle shots of every room. Then pick the best to upload. 

It's best to make your photos horizontal. 

Don’t forget to show pictures of your home from the outside. 

If you have a favorite working spot, include a photo of it on your listing. Or a favorite view. Use the caption to say why they're favorites. 

Captions are great to give context and additional information to the photos. We recommend using them!